For an actor to deliver a convincing performance, they must make an authentic connection with their fellow actors. When they do, psychological safety is created, and each actor is free to perform at their creative best, resulting in a dynamic collaborative performance. 

When Google’s Project Aristotle identified psychological safety as the single most important ingredient in building high performance teams, we knew our actor training had a new role to play.

Active Presence

For Department Heads, Management and People Leaders

Our in-person training day, 'Active Presence,' accommodates up to twelve participants, focusing on utilising emotional connections to maximise effectiveness during the creative collaborative phases of work. Unlike anyone else, we leverage actor training without resorting to roleplaying, theatre games, singing or dancing. We have adapted insights and tools used in preparing professional actors for collaborating on film sets.

Active Presence comprises a series of practical, step-by-step group and one-on-one exercises led by Liza and Robbie. Participants will learn to:

  • Collaborate with impact.

  • Increase candour and accelerate creativity.

  • Create psychological safety and build trust.

  • Develop group resilience and foster innovation.

Through experiential learning under our guidance and with our training expertise, participants are empowered with effective communication tools. We focus on developing and refining participants' interaction skills, developing their ability to:

  • Make quick, purposeful, and effective authentic connections.

  • Handle the power of vulnerability to create psychologically safe environments conducive to speaking up, letting go, and creating, even under economic and time pressures.

  • Embrace uncertainty within a team.

What People Say

“Nothing like a normal corporate training day. It really opened my eyes to the way people could communicate. I definitely recommend this course.”                                                          Adrienne Nolan, Sr. Manager - Office of the CTO , Flex

“As a manager of a high performance team I am always looking for innovative new ways to enhance the way in which my team works together. The course delivered on many levels and was really a transformational experience for my team and I.
Robbie and Liza really have a masterful understanding of interpersonal connectivity and how changing our awareness of this process can help us improve not just how we make connections as individual people but also how this can become a tool for accelerating collaboration and creativity in teams.
My team and I took many insights from it , were talking about it for many weeks afterwards and even to this day there is a tangible difference in how we communicate and interact with each other. It is unlike any training course that any of us had been on before and I would thoroughly recommend it to anyone interested in building collaborative high performing teams.
Michael Mac Sweeney, Sr. Director - IT Strategy and Architecture, Flex

“I was fascinated by the insight I got on how people in teams could interact. By trying and applying the techniques on this course, I gained an entirely new perspective on what it takes to build a high performance team.”                                                                                       Conor Phillips, Director of Communication EMEA, Flex

Connecting on a digital plane

We have adapted the tools professional actors use when working on camera for the post pandemic workforce. Our 'Connecting on a digital plane' online course follows a 4-phase approach to maximise online collaboration.

Letting Go

Learn what we need to let go off and a practical way to do it so we are available to make an authentic connection

Listening Wholeheartedly

Listening beyond the words deepens our connection. How do we do this? Learn techniques and focal points for attentive and wholehearted listening

Embracing Uncertainty 

Uncertainty can increase anxiety and fear. Uncertainty can also open us up to being in the flow, fostering spontaneity and creativity. Discover effective ways to embrace uncertainty collectively for optimal outcomes.

Delivering a Message 

Learn how to deliver your message while maintaining an authentic connection

Each phase is 90 minutes long via online video conferencing for up to 5 people.

To see if Momentum Interacting Skills is right for your organisation, why not give me a call on +353 86 359 0969, or send me a note at – Robbie Byrne